Grant Resource Library

Grant Development Resources

Part of our mission is to reduce barriers to obtaining and positively managing federal grants. To make this happen, OFA has assembled and updated many different types of resources -- regardless of where you are in your grants journey.

    On the right, you will see the beginning of the Resource Library. Here you find templates, forms, checklists, weekly grant opportunity email sign up, monthly newsletter, and a grant fit check.  The resources will be expanding but if you want to see something specific, please do not hesitate to reach out via email at

      Commonly Referenced Grant Sites

      How to Estimate In-Kind Match

      Independent Sector's "Value of Volunteer Time" can be used to quantify the value of volunteer's time for in-kind match or services. Their website also provides the historic dollar value of a volunteer hour by state (2002-2017). Some grants specify that the cost-matching requirement may be met by an in-kind match of time, rather than dollars.