Council Information
The Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance (NACFA) was created by the 2015 Nevada State Legislature for the purpose of advising and assisting state and local agencies with respect to obtaining and maximizing federal assistance that may be available from any agency or organization.
Providing Public Comment to the Council
NACFA encourages members of the public and the grants community to attend meetings and to provide public comment. To be notified of upcoming meetings and other council-related initiatives, subscribe to the NACFA listserv.
Correspondence to council will be read into the public record at the next meeting and can be sent to:
Office of Federal Assistance
ATTN: Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance
209 E. Musser Street Ste. 200
Carson City, NV 89701
Members of the Council
Zach Conine, Chair
State Treasurer, who may name a designee to serve on the Council on his behalf
Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno, Vice Chair
Member of the Nevada Assembly appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly
Andy Matthews, Secretary
State Controller, who may name a designee to serve on the Council on his behalf.
Senator Julie Pazina
Member of the Nevada Senate appointed by the Majority Leader of the Senate
Megan Cortney– United Way of Southern Nevada, Director of Monitoring & Evaluation
Represents a nonprofit organization that provides grants in this state, appointed by the Governor.
Eric Brown, Washoe County – County Manager
Represents local government, appointed by the Governor.
Dian Vanderwall, City of Sparks – Councilwoman
Represents private businesses, appointed by the Governor.
Audra Hamernik - Nevada HAND - CEO
Represents a nonprofit organization, a local agency, or a tribal government
Lisa M. Corrado – City of Henderson, Community Development & Services Department - Director
Represents a nonprofit organization, a local agency, or a tribal government, appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly
Tiffany Greenameyer
Director of the Office of Finance (non-voting member)
A'Keia Sanders
Director of the Governor's Office of Federal Assistance (non-voting member)
Each appointed member of the Council serves a term of two years, with the possibility of reappointment for up to three terms. Statute directs the Governor to the extent practicable to collaborate to ensure that the persons appointed by the Governor are representative of both the urban and rural areas of Nevada.
Annual Reports
In compliance with NRS 358.030, the council must deliver a report to the Governor and Legislative Commission before the end of each year. In its report, NACFA is able to make recommendations to obtain and to maximize federal assistance.