Nevada's Single Point of Contact for Grant Notifications

Grant Notifications Required for State Agencies

Grant Notifications Required for Non-State Agencies

The Intergovernmental Review Process

The Intergovernmental Review Process of Federal Programs, established by Presidential Executive Order 12372, aims to strengthen federalism by relying on state and local processes to coordinate and review proposed federal financial assistance and development. Each state designates a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for this function; in Nevada, the Governor's Office of Federal Assistance serves as the Single Point of Contact.

    All state or non-state organizations complying with policy NRS 223.480 or E.O. 12372 must complete a Federal Assistance Notification Form. The Governor's Office of Federal Assistance will respond to requests within 5 business days and notify the organization whether or not an application was selected for review. The answer from the Office of Federal Assistance will inform the organization's response to question 19 on the SF-424. The intent of the Intergovernmental Review for Federal Programs is to increase collaboration statewide among entities applying for the same source of funds avoiding duplication of work. To that end, when possible, the Governor's Office of Federal Assistance asks for notification before the submission of the proposal/application to the funding federal agency.

      National Environmental Policy Act and Public Lands

      When a state grant involves either public lands or National Environmental Policy Act, applicants must notify the State Clearinghouse. For any federal grant proposal, any applicant in Nevada must notify the State Clearinghouse when any of the following are involved in the application:

      • Public land transfers
      • Military activities
      • Direct development projects
      • Major development projects requiring environmental impact analysis 


        Federal Assistance Notification (SF-424) Submissions

        Related Resources